Over 13,000 new trees planted by the Tatton Estate

Collaboration delivers pioneering new project


Landowners and industry leaders across the region are being encouraged to work together to deliver ambitious tree planting programmes which will create new conifer and broadleaved forests.

These will act as the carbon sinks of the future, benefitting the Climate Emergency effort, biodiversity, and the Cheshire and Warrington economy.

The trees, which were all planted off Broad Oak Lane in Mobberley, Cheshire, link existing ancient and sporting woodland to create new wildlife corridors, enhance biodiversity and offset 1,600 tonnes of carbon over the next quarter of a century. The new plantation links Square Wood on Tatton Estate and Woodland at adjoining Tatton Park.

The Tatton Estate is the largest private landowner in Cheshire East, responsible for some 5,000 acres south of Greater Manchester. The Estate, which includes a National Nature Reserve and a Site of Special Scientific Interest within it, has been under the stewardship of the Brooks family since 1958 when it was separated from Tatton Hall and Park that were gifted to the National Trust.

Henry Brooks on behalf of the Tatton Estate said: “We are delighted to deliver this pilot scheme to find new mechanisms to plant more trees at scale. A key part of our role is not just to protect and conserve but also enhance the Estate and our wider communities so that we can pass it on better to the next generation. Both my parents, Randle and Juliet Brooks who have died recently, planted many thousands of trees over their lifetimes and I am especially pleased that both they and also our children have been involved in this project.

“Over the next few years, new Natural Capital and green investment opportunities will be increasingly important new revenue streams for landowners and farmers as we move out of the transition period into environmental land management schemes. We are delighted to be part of a pilot with not just Defra and the Mersey Forest but also a fabulous local business with a true commitment to local sustainability which has evidenced that tree planting in Cheshire can be commercially viable and be part of the road to carbon zero. We were pleased to get community and town council support for our nearby new community at Park Gate and whilst this project is not a requirement of that planning consent it is especially pleasing to be able to deliver environmental investment of this scale immediately next door over and above the other tree planting and ecology improvements we are doing there. As a long-term custodian of the land, environmental and financial sustainability are core to our values and the emerging estate strategy we are working to develop with our local communities and councils.”

Rob Davis, CEO of EA Technologysaid: “The value to our business of investing in ‘insetting’ carbon locally is not to be underestimated. Our staff are really proud to be working for an organisation that is actively helping to deliver local climate change mitigation and enhancing the environment they live in. We are delighted to be delivering this pilot, showcasing how industry and landowners can work together in a way which is economically and environmentally sustainable for all parties.”

“We are also pleased to be supporting the Cheshire and Warrington LEP’s ambition to be the most sustainable, inclusive and fastest growing green economy. One of the great benefits of planting locally is that we can bring staff and corporates to the site and be an advocate for local engagement with the climate change agenda.”

Paul Nolan, Director of The Mersey Forestsaid: “We will plant trees where they are most needed. We’ve shown how trees and woodlands reduce flooding, create new habitats for wildlife and play a key role in tackling the climate emergency. The funding will also create new jobs and secure existing ones within the forestry and environmental sector and help to boost local economies as part of a green recovery.”

By the end of March, The Mersey Forest Partnership is aiming to plant nearly 40 hectares of new woodland around Merseyside and North Cheshire, within urban parks and green spaces and on farmland.

Editor’s notes

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